Calendar (Hebrew):“…[T]he month was a moon period or lunation ; the week comprised very nearly a quarter of a lunation ; and the day was, of course, the period of the earth’s rotation on its axis.
“It may be further questioned whether there ever was among the early Hebrews any attempt to adapt the week of 7 days to the lunation. There is some ground for such a supposition, in the fact that in the most ancient Babylonian calendar every 7th day of the moon—the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th —was a dies nefastus, on which no public or official work could be done (Sayce, Higher Crit., 1894, p. 74). It would seem, then, that the old Babylonian month was practically a period of 4 weeks, with one or two intercalary days added at the end to make it agree with the lunation.”
Woods, F.H. (1908). Calendar (Hebrew). In Hastings, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. (Vol. 3). (p. 108). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
The Sabbath was the first recorded Feast יְהֹוָה (YeHoVaH) Himself celebrated? (Gen 2:2-3)Out of all the feasts, the Sabbath is the ONLY one that is listed in the Ten Commandments? (Ex 20:1-17)
The Sabbath is the 4th Commandment? (Ex 20:8-11)
Obeying the Sabbath is commanded before honoring parents, murder, adultery, theft, etc.? (Ex 20:8-11)
Holidays“Sabbaths and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recurring in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Both date back to the nomadic period of Israel. Originally the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath…”
Joseph, M. (1941). Holidays. In Landman, I (Ed.), The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. (Vol. 5). (p. 410). New York: Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Inc.
The Importance of keeping the Sabbath and how it is a portal to a life of boundless blessings has, oftentimes, been hidden, overlooked, ignored, or just simply disregarded as obsolete.
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