FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Welcome to our FAQs page (Frequently Asked Questions). Here are some of the most common questions that most believers ask when it comes to the subject of the New Moon Biblical Sabbath. Furthermore, this page is to provide you with a clear understanding and distinction from the other common Sabbath schemes: Friday to Saturday Sabbath and the widely-popularized Lunar Sabbath. If there are any questions that are missing from this page that you would like answered, please feel free to email us via our Contact Page.
Q. How can the moon (that was created on the 4th day) determine the Sabbath (the 7th day) which was created only three days later during the time of creation? So, therefore, shouldn’t the Sabbath be governed by the current Gregorian Calendar’s Friday to Saturday?
A. Well, this is a two-fold question, nevertheless, a very good one. This question deserves multiple, in-depth answers:
1. The Bible does not describe what phase the moon was appearing on Earth at the time of creation. The reason why I say appear is due to the fact that the moon itself was created (and still remains) as a whole, and it appears in phases as it rotates around the Earth as the Earth rotates on its access, while at the same time, both the Earth and the moon receive their light from the sun (see diagram):
“The Moon shows progressively different phases as it moves along its orbit around Earth. Half the Moon is always in sunlight, just as half of Earth has day while the other half has night. Thus, there is no permanent “dark side of the Moon,” which is sometimes confused with the Moon’s far side—the side that always faces away from Earth. The phases of the Moon depend on how much of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time…” – Microsoft Encarta
2. The current Gregorian (and the previous Julian) Calendars, which is used as the governing Civil Calendar, is and was solar-based, and the Hebrew Calendar, which is the governing religious calendar for all Biblical Feasts days, is (and always has been) lunar-based. Both the sun and the moon were created on the fourth day of creation (Gen 1:14-19).
Being that the Sun and Moon was created on the same day, it is very apparent that the moon was lit and not dark, therefore, it was more than likely in its waxing phase (progressing moving towards the first quarter). If the moon was appearing dark when it was created, YeHoVaH could not have called it the lesser light to rule the night.
Q. As I started researching the “Lunar Sabbath,” I’m noticing there’s quite a bit of controversy surrounding this subject, from scholars and laymen alike. Could you please explain why is this the case?
A. Absolutely. Forgive me ahead of time for providing such a lengthy answer, but this question and concern warrants me giving very detailed information to bring clarity and understanding. It is our job as believers and teachers of YeHoVaH’s Word and followers of Yeshua to not only provide instruction but correction and reproof.
What you are witnessing is the frustration, anger, and backlash as a result of the “forerunners” who have been teaching on this topic in error. Though I am sure that the majority of their hearts are in the right place, their doctrine is non-biblical and therefore false.
In my video teachings, I refer to this sect of believers as the 8th-Day Sabbath-Terrians. This doctrine teaches that the Lunar Sabbath occurs on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Hebrew (or lunar) month. They are misinterpreting the Scriptures by observing the New Moon then adding seven days (oppose to six) to determine the Sabbath. This is scripturally incorrect for a number of reasons.
First, logically speaking and using basic arithmetic and common sense, you cannot observe the Sabbath (the 7th day) on the 8th day of the month. That totally undermines the Scriptures and is in direct violation of the 4th Commandment (Ex 20:8-10).
Again, applying basic arithmetic, one must ask themselves, “Can I fit four weeks consisting of eight days each equally into a month?” No. There is absolutely no way to equally divide a month by the number eight (4 x 8 = 32). When dividing a month of 28, 29, or 30 days, the closest integer is 7.
Lastly, by using their method of counting, it is clear that the New Moon is not observed as Day 1 of the month. This, too, undermines the Scriptures. You do not start counting on the number 2. To further solidify my point, please read the story on David when he was expected to with King Saul during a New Moon festival:
24 And David hid in the field. And when the New Moon came, the sovereign sat down by the food to eat.
25 And the sovereign sat on his seat, as at other times, on a seat by the wall, with Yehonathan standing, and Abner sitting by Sha’ul’s side, but the place of David was empty.
26 But Sha’ul spoke not a word that day, for he thought, “It is an accident; he is not clean, for he has not been cleansed.”
27 And it came to be the next day, the second day of the month, that David’s place was empty. And Sha’ul said to Yehonathan his son, “Why has the son of Yishai not come to eat, either yesterday or today?” (1 Sam 20:24-27) – The Scriptures
Q. So, if Saturday is the seventh day, why are you saying that it is incorrect?
A. Technically, Saturday is a Sabbath, but it is not The Sabbath. Here is why. Before the creation of the Julian Calendar in 46 B.C., the day Saturday simply did not exist. The current Gregorian Calendar (created in 1582) is a reformation of the Julian Calendar, which originated in Rome. The Romans were not a Semitic people. Using the phases of the moon to determine days and months was and is a common custom in the near-east. Also they were not the receivers or observers of Torah (or the Law). The Romans were and are gentiles (aside from the ones who have decided to crossover into the faith). By default, the Romans practiced paganism, and their calendar months and days are riddled with the names (or in honor) of pagan deities. Just the mentioning of those names is in direct violation of Torah (Ex 23:13). Elohim (God) never commanded the children of Israel to follow after other nations; that is something we’ve been notorious for doing all on our own. As a matter of fact, because we’ve continually defiled the Sabbath and committed idolatry, we were scattered to the nations and given over to laws that were not good (Ezek 20:22-25). Ask yourself does this make sense to you:
Passover: Determined by the moon
Feast of Unleavened Bread – Determined by the moon
Feast of First Fruits – Determined by the moon
Feast of Weeks (or Shavuot) – Determined by the moon
Feast of Trumpets (or Yom Teruah) – Determined by the moon
Day of Atonement (or Yom Kippur) – Determined by the moon
Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot) – Determined by the moon
The Sabbath – Determined by the SUN and a pagan god, Saturn?
Q. Why did YeHoVaH allow this to happen; why would He allow us to believe falsehood?
A. Because of disobedience. You see, when David was king, and even before then (aside from Egyptian captivity), Israel was not under the rulership and oppression of a heathenized nation. Israel was free and under the leadership of judges and then kings who (for the most part) lived by the commandments. After Solomon’s reign, things went downhill from there.
Solomon said it best in Proverbs 28:2, “Because of transgression of a land, Many are its rulers; But by a man of understanding and knowledge, Right is maintained” (The Scriptures).
It is disheartening to know that when people are presented with truth, they turn their ears away from hearing it and prefer to believe which is false, without substance, and without life. People want to hear what makes them feel good and what’s convenient for them. Truth does not always feel or sound good, but how can one live and be sustained without it? This is why The Almighty allows us to believe that which is false (2 Thes 2:9-12):
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood,
10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved.
11 And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood,
12 in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness” (The Scriptures).
Q. Were we ever forewarned about the Sabbath changing?
A. Yes, in Daniel 7:23-25 (which all scholars adamantly agree to be the Roman empire):
23 “This is what he said, ‘The fourth beast is the fourth reign on earth, which is different from all other reigns, and it devours all the earth, tramples it down and crushes it.
24 ‘And the ten horns are ten sovereigns from this reign. They shall rise, and another shall rise after them, and it is different from the first ones, and it humbles three sovereigns,
25 and it speaks words against the Most High, and it wears out the set-apart ones of the Most High, and it intends to change appointed times and law, and they are given into its hand for a time and times and half a time” (The Scriptures).
Q. What is the purpose for the sun and the moon aside from provide light?
A. The moon was created to tell us what day it is by its movement in phases, and the sun tells us what time of day it is as it rises in the east and sets in the west (hence the movement pattern of a clock – Ps 104:19). Before clocks and watches were invented, ancient civilizations used a sundial to determine the time during the day and used water clocks or the observance of the movement of certain stars to determine the time at night. The sundials and water clocks were synchronized together. Using the phases of the moon to determine days and months was and is a common custom in the near-east.
Q. Did Yeshua observe the Sabbath in according with the phases of the moon?
A. During the time Yeshua walked the earth, Israel was under Roman rule, and the Julian Calendar was the dominant civil calendar at that time, which in fact was lunar-solar based. Furthermore, Israel observed the lunar-based Hebrew calendar during the time of Yeshua (within the 2nd temple period), and it didn’t change to the fixed seven-day pagan week (as we know it today) until well after the destruction of the second temple in A.D. 70. Seemingly, the Bible does not convey that another calendar existed. Being that He is Lord of the Sabbath, it wouldn’t make sense for Him to keep a foreign Sabbath oppose to the Biblical Sabbath. So, yes, He did (see The Calendar Story: The Passion Connection)
Q. Why do you use the term Biblical Sabbath oppose to the more commonly known Lunar Sabbath?
A. The widely known term Lunar Sabbath, in which the Sabbath is observed on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month, is unsound doctrine and non-biblical. The Biblical Sabbath, which is observed on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th of the Hebrew month is logical, biblical, and can be substantiated by not only with Scripture, but also with verifiable historical evidence (see Resource Library).
Q. Why does it appear that the Sabbath is so important; is observing it that important?
A. Absolutely. The Sabbath was the first recorded Feast (YeHoVaH) Himself celebrated (Gen 2:2-3), and out of all the Appointed Times (or Feasts), the Sabbath is the only one listed in the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:1-17). And being that the Sabbath is the Fourth Commandment (Ex 20:8-11), it is commanded before honoring parents, murder, adultery, theft, etc.
Exodus 31:13-17 informs us that keeping the Sabbath (aside from circumcision) is the only outward act of accepting the covenant between us and The Almighty. This covenant sign is also what saves us from destruction during the Apocalyptic period (Rev 7:2-3, 9:4).
The children of Israel were dismissed from the presence of The Almighty and scattered amongst the heathen nations for desecrating this set-apart day (Ezek 20:11-25).
A eunuch who has a defect (Lev 21:18-21) is given a place in the temple and is treated better than sons and daughters. Furthermore, YeHoVaH brings a stranger/heathen (Ezek 44:9) to His set-apart mountain and allow him or her to rejoice in His house of prayer, simply for obeying the Sabbath (Is 56:6-7). For more on this topic, please visit The Importance of Sabbath page.
Q. Isn’t the Sabbath in the Old Testament and done away with?
A. Absolutely not. The observance of the Sabbath and the adherence to Torah (the Law) is very much alive and well as it was in the book of Acts.
In the New Testament, Yeshua (Jesus) maintained the observance of the Sabbath (Luke 4:16). And being that there is much controversy and misinterpretation of Shaul’s (Paul’s) teachings (or Letters), keep in mind that it was also his custom to observe and teach in the synagogues on the Sabbath (Acts 17:2).
Furthermore, the Sabbath will continue to be observed in the Messianic Age, which is a time to come (Col 3:16-17; Is 56:2-4; Is 66:23; Ezek 44:24; Ezek 45:17; Ezek 46:1-12). Unfortunately, many believe and teach that the commandments (including the Sabbath) of YeHoVaH have been abolished. However, I conclude, without reserve, that the observance of the Sabbath day (as well as The Commandments) is as important today is it was in the days of old (Matt 5:17).
Q. Being that I’m new to all of this, how can I stay up-to-date on when the New Moon, Sabbath, and Feasts occurs?
A. That is totally understandable. Simply click on the Join Us button below, and you will be prompted to accept the Moedim Calendar. Upon acceptance, all the events will be downloaded into your calendar on your computer or smart device, and all updates will automatically reflect in your calendar. Please notify us if there are any technical or compatibility issues.