“Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.” -Exodus 23:13
Days and Meanings
Welcome to the Days and Meanings page. These are the meanings of each day of the Planetary Week, which was introduced to Julius Caesar just prior to the Julian Reform, but didn’t come into effect within the Roman Empire until the 4th Century AD. It was at that time that Sunday was moved from the second day of the week (after Saturday) to the first day of the week, misinterpreting “The Lord’s Day” (see The Calendar Story: The Passion Connection).
The interesting fact about the word “Week” is that it derived from the Germanic root word “Wik”, which means to move, turn, or change. This definition completely coincides with the fact that the in times of antiquity, aside from Egypt, most civilizations’ calendars were strictly lunar and their weeks were determined by the four phase of the moon, thus the weeks “moved” or “changed”.